Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Soaps of Christmas Past and Present

I love the Christmas season and getting our home ready for family celebrations.  Some of this I must get from my mom, who beautifully transforms her whole home into a Christmas dream.  Her living room features an angel tree and angels surround the mantel and continue down the hallway to the porch, which is Santa's retreat.  It showcases Santa Clauses not only from different time periods but designs.  Scents are also a part of the season.  My mom is a champion cookie baker and has been known to fill the downstairs freezer with many batches of cookies.
Most of my holiday creative energy is spent thinking about Christmas Soaps.  Here's a look at some of our favorite scents and designs of Christmas's Past.


And here's a few special soaps from Christmas Present.

Wishing you a very joyous and blessed Christmas season!

Christine Kennedy
simple ingredients, extraordinary benefits